Correlation Between Payroll and Playoffs - BBA Member Analysis

BBA member 85% Sports did an interesting twelve-season analysis of the correlation between payroll and wins.  Essentially, tackling the age old debate of whether spending money equates to wins and championships.

Some key points:

- 69% of playoff participants (66 of 96) over the past 12 seasons spent more on payroll than the league average
- 75% of the World Series participants (18 of 24) over the past 12 seasons spend more on payroll than the league average
- The team with the most wins over the past twelve seasons was the Yankees (1,157 victories); they also spent the most per win ($1.823 million per victory)
- There were eleven teams that breached the 1,000 victory mark over the past 12 seasons and the Oakland Athletics were the team that achieved that mark the "cheapest" (paying $641,000 per win)

Check out the full article here.  


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