BBA: Calcaterra Wins Posnanski Award

Over the weekend, the Baseball Bloggers Alliance announced Craig Calcaterra as the winner of the 2012 Joe Posnanski Award, honoring the top internet writer of the year, as voted on by BBA Members (yours truly).  Calcaterra is the lead blogger at Hardball Talk, an NBC Sports affiliate blog.

I am happy to say that I voted for Calcaterra (who beat out Ken Rosenthal of Fox Sports, Kevin Goldstein or Baseball Prospectus, Dave Cameron of FanGraphs and Jon Heyman of CBS Sports).  In my opinion, the award was built for guys like Craig Calcaterra.  Rosenthal and Heyman are great but they're a product of on-screen success.  Calcaterra is an internet man... rarely seen but often heard.  As you might be able to guess from his back-story (as Daniel Shoptaw put it, Craig quit lawyering, began blogging and quickly rose to a place of prominence), Calcaterra is a seemingly cool dude.  He is very interactive on social media and writes things that garner attention without relying on snarky comments or an overexuberant wardrobe (not to say he dresses poorly, he just doesn't subscribe to the Craig Sager school of fashion... Rosenthal took a few courses but, thankfully, never graduated).

Congratulations, Craig.  Keep up the good work.


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