Can you name the players who have homered in 40 or more stadiums? - sporcle

Can you name the players who have homered in 40 or more stadiums? - sporcle

Bear in mind, they had to be homerun hitters, they had to spend time in both leagues, and they had to have played through the new stadium era. Good Luck!! -Mc


  1. I've been putting off guessing the answers to this because they will be guesses. I figured they would have to be recent because of expansion. So my guesses will be players from the last 20 years or so. Also with inter-league play, makes it hard to narrow it down. So here goes nothing.

    1. McGriff
    2. Delgado
    3. Stairs
    4. Sosa
    5. Sheffield
    6. Thome

  2. I don't think Stairs played enough in both leagues but i would add McGwire and Giambi.

  3. My guesses
    Frank Robinson
    Griffey Jr.


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