Getting to Know Our Roll

"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning." - Benjamin Franklin

Our primary goal since launching this blog has been to share and debate our views and opinions of America's pastime with others.  Each contributor has his own allegiance but we collectively decided that we wanted to focus on broad baseball to accommodate our background and our skill sets.  Given the diverse nature of our experiences, loyalties and knowledge base, we felt that we could provide an entertaining forum for all baseball fans while sticking to our area of expertise (which is nothing, really).  

In order to be current and fluid and to increase the number of engaged readers, we set out to make connections with people from different baseball cities around the country that could provide our readers with an authentic voice when their market was in the news.  We deliberately attempted to make connections with different bloggers from around the country and our main objective with this exercise was to add one top notch blog from each MLB team to our Blog Roll, along with a few extras for entertainment purposes (you have to check out The Baseball Collector).  The Blog Roll is located in the right margin on the classic site and I'm happy to say that we now have one blog from every team on our Roll.  

Our membership in the Baseball Bloggers Alliance played a huge part in finding blogs that were both active and serious.  Our hope is that our Blog Roll will help bring a different perspective to baseball stories and debates as they're happening.

In the future, we will periodically scour our Blog Roll blogs and cherry-pick stories that we like and/or hot issues.  We'll come up with a clever name for this bit at some point but in the mean time, we suggest you take some time to check out some of our partner blogs.  



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